Buckinghamshire Royal Arch kicks off the new Masonic season with The Big Red


Following the huge success of initiatives such as the BIG 100 and the 12 days of Xmas, many of those Initiated at those events, and subsequently from the great work of Lodges across the Province, are taking their Third Degree and asking what they should do next to continue their Masonic journey. The answer is the Royal Arch.

Wexham Park Chapter got the Big Red month off to a great start by exalting 3 candidates in one night.

The three Principals, E Comp Russell Janes, John Stribling as H and Matt Durbin as J and very ably supported by E. Comps Ashley Rolfe and Ged Lawton did a wonderful ceremony to exalt Bros James Kenny, Richard Blair and James Moore.

Bryan Harfield acted as Principal Sojourner and was ably supported by Jann Preen.

A big contingent was present from the Province led by E Comp Darren Mantell, Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah, escorted by E. Comp James Blackhurst. The candidates were welcomed by Darren and were presented with a bag of goodies which included a memory stick with much information on the Royal Arch, as well as a pair of red socks suitable embossed with the Big Red logo.

A very enjoyable festive board concluded a memorable evening.

Candidates from L James Moore, Richard Blair and James Kenny

BIG RED continues at Thames Schools Chapter
Stephens Multiplying!

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