Buckingham Chapter Travel Back in Time to 1750!

Buckingham Chapter, MEGS, 1750 Demonstration Team 8th June Aylesbury Masonic Hall.

On Thursday 8th June, Buckingham Chapter held a regular meeting at the Aylesbury Masonic Hall. The meeting was very well attended over 70 companions in attendance. The Chapter were pleased to receive an Official visit from our popular Deputy Grand Superintendent Philip Blacklaw accompanied by Provincial Officers of the year, also in attendance was our MEGS Graham Dearing who is a member of the Chapter and our PGM John Clark.

MEZ of the Chapter E Comp Stephen Gill opened the Chapter in due form.

A grand chapter certificate was presented to Comp George Harris by our MEGS in his inimitable and enlightening delivery.

In recent years the Chapter has seen a very good growth in membership with another joining member at this meeting Comp Ewan Gordon of Addington Chapter No. 1787.

At this meeting our Provincial Grand Scribe E Mel Shah who is Second Principal of the Chapter was elected as MEZ for the issuing year.

The High Light of the meeting was a demonstration of the Royal Arch in 1750, by the Prince Michael of Kent Chapter, demonstration team. A truly wonderful enactment of the Royal Arch in 1750, the costumes, the setting of the scene and the portrayal of the Officers was superb, the companions at this meeting were thoroughly engaged and showed their appreciation !

After the meeting the companions via the bar, dined together, good food, good wine, amusing speeches, good companionship, a wonderful masonic occasion!

NELEUS See Double and a new Joiner!
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