Helping to shape the future of Freemasonry
As a Province, we are committed to leading the implementation of the Strategy for Freemasonry, presented by Pro Grand Master MW.Bro. Jonathan Spence and effectively executed by the Freemasons of Buckinghamshire. We are well on our way to achieving our goal of reaching 3,000 engaged and enthusiastic Freemasons by 2027. Currently, Buckinghamshire accounts for approximately 10% of membership growth across all of UGLE. In recognition of this outstanding achievement and to provide additional leadership support, the Pro Grand Master has granted Buckinghamshire the privilege of an additional Assistant Provincial Grand Master to supplement and strengthen our team.
I am pleased to announce that W.Bro Tim Anders, PAGDC, PPGW, has accepted my invitation to become our newest APGM. Please join me in welcoming him to the team. It is my intention to appoint and invest Tim at our upcoming BIG 1-2-3 event at Freemasons' Hall in London on June 29th. The existing Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters will remain in their current positions. This is the first time in our history that the province has had four APGM's.
W.Bro Tim was initiated into Temple Manor Lodge No. 8143 in Marlow in 1998 and was exalted into the Royal Arch in 2009. He is a member of seven Lodges and three Chapters in Buckinghamshire and an honorary member of the Buckinghamshire Motorcycle Lodge, having served on the consecration team.
Over his 25 years of service, Tim has held various positions, including Provincial Grand Steward and Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, before being appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 2017. He has also served as a Visiting Officer in the Province and was appointed to Grand Rank in April 2023.
Tim's contributions to Buckinghamshire have been substantial. He has played key roles in consecrating Lodges and in transforming the Old Paludians Lodge No. 8171 into the highly successful Gourmet Curry Lodge. Currently, as the Secretary of the Buckinghamshire Masonic Centenary Fund, he has facilitated significant charitable donations to worthy causes. His leadership in installing state-of-the-art theatrical lighting and sound systems throughout the last year has profoundly TRANSFORMED our Province. His new role is not only a reward for his tremendous efforts but also a testament to the vital work he will continue to perform.
On behalf of myself and the entire Provincial Executive, I extend heartfelt congratulations to W.Bro Tim and look forward to his continued success in his new role.
R. W. Bro John Clark
Provincial Grand Master
CREDIT: Christopher Pledger/Telegraph (Leather-clad biker Freemasons accelerate membership drive: article published 4 March 2023)
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