Neleus Install Mark Dep., Barry 51 not out!


Neleus Chapter held its Installation meeting, on Saturday the 26th of May 2021 at The Beaconsfield Masonic Centre, where six members of the Chapter met in accordance with the coronavirus regulations. 

At the meeting, the Chapter installed: – E Comp Keith David Bristow, PProvGSwdB (Oxon) as M.E.Z, (Keith is also the Deputy Grand Master in the Mark degree) Haggai Elect, E Comp Scott Claxton, ProvAGDC and Joshua Elect Comp Mike Kitching were unable to attend and will be installed at a later date.

The installation was to a very high standard, well done to all who took part, especially installing MEZ., E Comp Jon Callaly PProvGSoj.

E Comp John Stribling, ProvGH, on behalf of the Province and Neleus Chapter, had much pleasure in presenting E Comp Barry Pipe, PAGDC, PProvGTres with a certificate to commemorate having served 50 years in the Royal Arch, the certificate should have been presented more than a year ago, delayed by the pandemic until today's meeting, now a total of 51+ years, Barry was warmly congratulated by all present.

After the Installation the companions retired to the bar for refreshment, along with a Masonic Quiz prepared by E Comp Stan Ritter, PProvGReg. The very knowledgeable E Comp John Joseph Mellor, PProGStB, the Chapter, Janitor was the clear winner and recipient of the winner's prize a pair of Beconsfield Masonic Centre cuff links and tie pin, well done John!

The meeting was followed by a very good festive board: – mushroom soup, roast chicken dinner followed by cheese, biscuits, coffee. Good food, good wine, very good companionship! 

Multi Chapter of Improvement

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