Popular Buckingham Chapter Support "Big Red"

Comp Neil Richardson welcome into Buckingham Chapter and the Royal Arch (Neil is very proud of his red socks).

Buckinghamshire Chapter No 591 our oldest and much respected Chapter, founded in 1870 at the George Hotel in Aylesbury, 21 years before the Royal Arch Province of Buckinghamshire was formed.

On Thursday the 14th September 2023, Buckingham Chapter held an emergency meeting, at the Masonic Hall, Aylesbury, the meeting was in support of the Provinces initiative "Big Red" , our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Graham Dearing who is a member of the Chapter was Present along with our popular Second Provincial Grand Principal Stephen Knight and our happy Third Provincial Grand Principal Joseph Le Roi-Smith.

The meeting was special as the Chapter carried out in a very well work ceremony of Exaltation, for Bro Neil Colin Richardson a member of Buckingham Lodge No 591, who had succumbed after being persuaded into joining over a number of years by our popular companion Richard Skym a member of Buckingham Chapter.

The ceremony was to the highest standard a joy to be present and congratulations to Acting First Principal, E. Comp Mel Shah and Principal Sojourner Paul Bird.

On behalf of the Chapter our MEGS Graham Dearing welcome Comp Neil into the Chapter, the Province and presented the Provinces "Big Red" welcoming pack, which included special red socks.

At this meeting Buckingham Chapter also welcome two joining member E Comp Thomas James, PAGDC, ProvGJan, Middlesex and E Comp Gavin Lannen, PPGSoj.

After the ceremony via the bar, the companions dined together good food, good wine, good speeches where Comp Neil Richardson expressed his enjoyment of the ceremony and warm the welcome he had received, fantastic Companionship. A truly memorable Masonic Occasion!

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