Graham Peter Dearing
Deputy Grand Superintendent
Michael Ralph Stephens PGSwdB
Second Provincial Grand Principal
Phillip Blacklaw, PPGSN
Third Provincial Grand Principal
Stephen Knight, PGStB
Appointments and Promotions to Active Rank 2022
Assistant Provincial Grand Principal Joseph Le Roi Smith APGP Oliver 2812, 3305, 9222
Assistant Provincial Grand Principal Christopher Swinhoe-Standen PProvGSN Thames Schools 6216, 3305
Grand Scribe E Mehulkumar Shah PGStB, ProvAGSE Marlow 2752, 9222, 3305
Grand Scribe N Michael Watson Lockie PProvDepGDC Roman Way 9533, 3089, 3305
Grand Treasurer Alan Clarke ProvGTreas Wineslai 2435, 3305
Grand Registrar Simon Iley PPGStwd Cestreham 6674, 9222
Grand D.C. Paul Bird PPGSN Hampden 6483
Grand Swd B David Beal PPGSoj Marlow 2752, 3305, 9222
Deputy Grand D.C. Stephen Kirby ProvDepGDC Aylesbury Fairway 8614, 9222
Deputy Grand D.C. Stuart Barnard ProvDGDC Watling Street 1639, 9222
Grand Almoner Nicholas Wilson ProvGStwd Thames Schools 6216, 9222, 3305
Grand Charity Steward David Adams ProvGChStwd Five Points 8197
Grand Sojourner Stephen Smirthwaite   Stewards 9222
1st Asst. Grand Soj. John Terence Cooley
Stephens 3089
2nd Asst. Grand Soj. Neville Winston Few
Pegasus 5637
Asst. Grand Scribe E Andrew Ludlow ProvAGSE Cestreham 6674, 9222
Grand Standard Bearer Luke Crowther Stacey
St Georges 840
Grand Standard Bearer David Curtis Welsted Watling Street 1639
Grand Standard Bearer Steven John Matthews
Hall Barn 8480
Grand Organist David Pickering
Thames Schools 6216
Asst. Grand D.C. Simon Wilson Baines
Wolverton Trinity 7917
Asst. Grand D.C. Samuel Lewis Everett
Longueville 9322
Grand Steward Leslie Hampson
Roman Way 9533
Grand Steward Andrew Ian Campbell Sutton Hall Barn 8480
Grand Janitor James Robert May PPGSoj Wycombe 1501

1st Appointment to past rank      
Terry Stewart Meek PPAGSoj   Hampden 6483
David Leonard Farthing PPAGSoj
Five Points 8197  
Paul Victor Lonsdale PPAGSoj   Five Points 8197
David Cooper PPGStdB   Marlow 2752
Nigel Beaven (Rule 32) PPGStdB   Oliver 2812
Current rank Proposed Rank    
Richard George Millington, OBE PPGReg 2018 PPGSN Wycombe 1501, 3305
Michael Griffith PPGReg 2018 PPGSN Iver 5254  
Brian James Bruton PPGReg 2018 PPGSN Ferdinand de Rothschild 2420
William Morgan Thomas PPGReg 2017 PPGSN Hall Barn 8480
David Raymond Gregory PPGReg 2008 PPGSN Grenfell 3077, 3305, 9222
John Leslie Sims PPGSwdB 2011 PPGSN Sunnymeads 9313, 948
Guy Richard Farrow PPGReg 2018 PPGSN Buckingham 591
Joseph Seymour ProvGJan PPGSN Pegasus 5637, 5203, 3305
David Michael Wall PPGSwdB 2013 PPGSN Stephens 3089, 3305
Roger Colin King PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Princes Risborough 5203
Glenwyn Mark Evans PPGSwdB 2017 PPGReg River 5126
John Eaton Bellamy PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Pegasus 5637
Alan Leonard McCartney PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Windsor End 9361
Kevin Paul Ell PPAGSoj 2018 PPGReg Iver 5254
Richard Anthony Florio PPGSoj 2018 PPGReg Thames Schools 6216
Graham Rodger Thorn PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Hall Barn 8480
Alan Etienne Payen PPGSoj 2018 PPGReg Marlow Valley 8974, 3305
Alexandar Muncan PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Oliver 2812, 3305, 9222
Peter James Akitt PPGSoj 2017 PPGReg Oliver 2812
Ian Philip Bamsey PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Addington 1787, 1639
Jeffrey Frank Dubberley PPGSwdB 2018 PPGReg Manor of Swanburn 8647
David James Hawkins PPGSoj 2011 PPGReg Wolverton Trinity 7917
Glenn James Whittaker PPAGSoj 2018 PPGSwdB Five Points 8197
Martin Alfred Wing PPGSoj 2018 PPGSwdB Five Points 8197
Victor Paul Green PPGStdB 2018 PPGSwdB Aylesbury Fairway 8614
George Denver Lynn PPGStdB 2018 PPGSwdB Bowen 948
Jonathan Charles Callaly PPGSoj 2018 PPGSwdB Neleus 3062, 9222
Eugene Reynold Patrick Matthias PPAGSoj 2018 PPGSwdB Manor of Swanburn 8647, 3305
John Josepth Mellor PPGStdB 2018 PPGSwdB Sunnymeads 9313
Paul West PPGSoj 2018 PPGSwdB Sunnymeads 9313
Russell Kenneth Breedon PPGStdB 2018 PPGSwdB Longueville 9322
Robert William Howe PPGStdB 2018 PPGSoj Bevan 2458
Peter Nunn PPAGSoj 2018 PPGSoj Aylesbury Fairway 8614
Michael John Gregory PPGStdB 2017 PPGSoj Shelburne 7719
Christopher Robert Clark PPGStdB 2018 PPGSoj Herschel 1894
Andrew Thomas Campbell PPAGDC 2018 PPGSoj Addington 1787
Neil David Barrett PPAGSoj 2018 PPGSoj Cowper & Newton 2244
John King PPGStwd PPGSoj Wineslai 2435, 3305, 9222
Graham Alexander PPGStwd PPGSoj Iver 5254, 9222
Douglas Anthony Redington PPAGDC 2018 PPAGSoj Hampden 6483
Colin Hunt PPGStwd PPAGSoj Ferdinand de Rothschild 2420, 9222
David Haynes PPGStwd PPAGSoj Thames Mariner 8628, 9222
Daniel Cunningham PPGStwd PPAGSoj Thames Schools 6216, 9222