Buckinghamshire Roving Companions
The Buckinghamshire Roving Companions is a new initiative within the Province providing support to all Chapters big and small by encouraging visits throughout Buckinghamshire.
We all know that great feeling when we get a good turn-out at Chapter and it encourages joiners because they see that they are a part of something that is vibrant. It is a great boost to all those officers who have put so much effort into learning the ritual and organising the meeting.
Joining the Buckinghamshire Roving Companions (BRC) is free – details of upcoming meetings for Exaltations and Installations will be posted on a new closed Facebook page and any qualified Bucks Royal Arch Companion is able to sign up. Simply search for “Buckinghamshire Roving Companions” on Facebook and ensure that your notifications are enabled for the group. Booking details will be posted following Summons submissions to the Provincial Office.
The BRC initiative also works in association with the new Royal Arch Vision Club – giving support and education to newly Exalted Companions all over the Province; ultimately enhancing everyone’s understanding of the Holy Royal Arch.
To find out more please contact the team at RAVC@buckspgl.org