Wycombe Chapter 12th September 2023

Wycombe Chapter, welcomes Comp Gavin Elbourn

What a great evening for Wycombe Chapter; a new member exalted in such fine form, Bro Gavin Elbourn of Wycombe Lodge who is the DC of his lodge and really appreciates the finer points of a well-executed ceremony. Tonight he was not disappointed as the Chapter all rallied around him to give him a huge warm welcome into the Royal Arch in Buckinghamshire.The large turnout (over 80% of members attended) of Chapter members and the guests at Marlow made the meeting fun, enjoyable and an event which will stay in the memory for years to come.The exaltee received a ritual book as a personal gift from his proposer, such a nice touch, and something he will be able to read at his leisure.

The future is looking bright for Wycombe Chapter 

E Comp Stephen Knight ProvGH, Welcomes Comp Gavin into the Royal Arch.
Marlow Chapter a Triple "Big Red" Well Done!
Double Date in Beaconsfield for BIG RED

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